Blissful Sleep Academy

Kind Words

Guiding you on your



Let us support you on your journey




South Boston North & South Shore


Available for Daytime or Overnight support

Openings for August-December 2024

Contact us today to reserve your spot!

Our team of experienced caregivers are here to provide you with emotional and physical support throughout your postpartum period. Book our services now and let us help you have a positive postpartum experience.

Hello, my name is Marsha!


BS Elementary Education/Child Development

Working with newborns has been my lifelong passion, and I've been on quite the adventure! I became a first-time mom before I even hit 20. Not your typical start, but hey, life throws some curveballs. Luckily, I've always had this knack for knowing what to do with babies – call it intuition or just sheer survival instinct!

Fast forward a bit, and I'm now a mom of three amazing grown children. My two boys proudly served in the military, one in the Air Force and the other in the Marines. Meanwhile, my daughter's out there rocking the creative writing scene at Emerson College. The best news is, I survived parenting and was promoted to Nanie for the first time in January 2024 with the arrival of my grandson!

After over 25 years of experience in the child care industry and a whole lot of love and laughter along the way, in 2018 I put my passion and experience to good use and opened Blissful Sleep Newborn Care. In 2023 I upped my game and became a DONA-certified postpartum doula and became “Blissful Sleep Newborn & Postpartum Care”. Why? Well, as much as I absolutely love caring for newborns, I genuinely want to help other moms navigate and enjoy the wild and wonderful “fourth trimester”. I've been in your sleep-deprived shoes, I remember the whirlwind these first few weeks can be. And to add insult to the chaos, nobody handed us a manual when we left the hospital! So hear me and believe me when I say… I see you, I hear you, I’ve BEEN you, and I'm here to be that manual.

Quotation Mark

Hello, my name is Lee!


Hey there, I'm Lee, and I'm beyond excited to be a part of this incredible team! Picture this: I've spent a whopping 20 years of my life as an OB/GYN Medical Assistant. That's two decades of bringing bundles of joy into this world and helping moms-to-be. I was very excited to join Blissful Sleep in March of 2022 and bring that wealth of knowledge and expertise to the amazing families we serve.

Now, here's the kicker - I'm not just passionate about newborn care at work; I'm also a mom to three amazing sons, the older two are rocking it at UMASS Amherst, and the youngest is eagerly waiting to graduate high school in 2024. You could say I'm a pro at handling the chaos, in your house and mine!

I call Milford, MA my home sweet home, and I'm like your friendly neighborhood superhero – ready to serve all cities and towns within a one-hour drive from here. When I'm not dashing off to save the day (or night), you can catch me running marathons for charity. Yes, really! I figure if I can handle newborns and my three boys, a little 26.2-mile jog should be a piece of cake, right? Plus, I like to mix it up and have some fun, so you can also find me on the field with my flag football team!

I'm all about giving back and being there for others. Whether you're a new mom in need of some guidance or just seeking a friendly ear, consider me your go-to gal. I'm here to make life's twists and turns a little easier to navigate. So, come on, join the party, and let's navigate this postpartum journey together!

Woman Standing Outdoors

Service Area

We support all cities and towns within a 60 minute drive from Milford, MA

Sample list:

Bellingham, Boston, Brookline, Cambridge, Charlestown, Dorchester, Dover Foxboro, Framingham, Franklin, Holliston, Hopedale,

Hopkinton, Hudson, Jamaica Plain, Marlboro, Medfield, Medway, Mendon, Milford, Millis, Milton, Natick, Needham, Newton, Providence, Sommerville, South Boston, Waltham, Watertown,

Wayland, Wellesley, Winchester, Worcester,


Newborn Babies

Overnight Support

The first night home with your precious bundle of joy, that's where Blissful Sleep Newborn & Postpartum Care swoops in to save the day (or night)! We're here to make life easier for first-time parents and those leveling up to a multi-child family. Our care is like a custom-tailored suit – it changes to fit your family's unique needs.

Not only are we baby-whisperers, helping your little one develop those sweet sleep habits right from the get-go, but we're also your personal cheerleaders. We provide the physical and emotional support you deserve after bringing your baby into the world.

Whether you're a rookie mom, a supermom juggling multiples, or a seasoned pro adding another nugget to your family squad, we've got your back. We're the sleep superheroes you never knew you needed.

Sleep Training

The infamous 4-month regression is no joke! Are you and your little one in an epic game of 'paci pong' all night long? We totally get it! And who wouldn't want to eliminate those middle-of-the-night feeds. We're here to help your baby master the art of self-soothing and start connecting those sleep cycles like a pro. Because, let's face it, when the baby sleeps, EVERYONE sleeps, and that's the dream, right? Let us lend a hand in creating a bedtime routine that's as steady as a lullaby and make bedtime a breeze for your whole family!

Exhausted mother holding her crying newborn baby. Postpartum depression.

Ask me all the questions you have, no judgment! We're a team! I'm here to support, educate, and encourage you every step of the way. But there’s no unicorns or rainbows in my newborn user guide – I'm here to tell you the nitty-gritty truth that your friends might gloss over. Whether you're in need of tried-and-true tips and tricks or just some compassionate guidance, I’m here to help you through the fog and enjoy this little human you spent nine months creating. And better still, help you get those Blissful zzz's you deserve.

How does it work


Virtual Call

Let's kick-off our chat with some details about your journey so far and what kind of helping hand you need. After that, we can delve into how BSNPC can be your trusty sidekick as you take on this thrilling adventure with your family.


Enrollment Form

Get ready to receive our Intake Form, a handy guide filled with all the details: It will gather your family info, requested schedule and review our policies. It's got the whole kit and caboodle!


Let's do it!

Once we receive your deposit and intake form, you'll officially be on the BSNPC schedule with a spot reserved just for you! And to make sure everything goes smoothly on your pregnancy journey, we'll keep in touch every month to answer any questions you may have.

Package 01

Overnight Support

- First things first, feeding support is my jam! Whether it's breast or formula, we've got you covered. We'll be your feeding guru.

- Need some connections? We’re like your personal Google Search for parenting. We'll hook you up with lactation consultants, playgroups, or pediatric specialists, whatever floats your parenting boat.

- When it comes to newborn care, we’re the pros at diaper changes, burping, swaddling (we can make a baby burrito with our eyes closed), umbilical cord care (not as scary as it sounds, we promise), sleep schedules, and feedings. And as your little one grows, we'll even help with sleep shaping and sleep training – because we could all use a few extra Zzz's.

- Want to learn the secret baby-soothing handshake? we've got you covered. we'll teach your family all the tricks to keep that little one content and bond like superheroes.

- If you're curious about baby development, we’re your go-to encyclopedia. we'll share all the tips and knowledge you need to navigate the exciting world of newborns.

- And here's the kicker: we'll swoop in to take care of the baby so you can shower, eat, or maybe even sneak in a power nap. Because, let's face it, parenting is a 24/7 gig.

- Ladies, don't worry, we've got your post-birth comfort covered. we'll make sure you're hydrated and comfy, and if you've had a cesarean delivery, we'll be there with a helping hand.

- Oh, and we’re not just a baby expert; we are domestic goddesses too. We'll handle light household cleaning, like baby dishes, setting up the nursery, and tackling that adorable but endless baby laundry. You focus on the baby cuddles; we'll handle the rest.

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min of 8 hours, max of 10 hours, between 9. PM-7 AM

Min of 2 nights, MAX of 7 nights

100% awake care for first 4 weeks after birth

establish healthy sleep habits from 1st night

Support for the whole family so everyone gets a full night of Blissful Sleep

Package 02

Sleep Training

Newborn Baby Holding Teddy Bear

Let's embark on this journey together, taking into account your baby's age and development. Our goal? Crafting a bedtime routine that suits them perfectly, guiding them to drift into slumber independently, and nurturing those self-soothing skills without any need for props. Those overnight feedings? We'll work on eliminating them gradually.

We'll introduce timed pop-ins, filled with comforting reassurance, to gently guide your little one into the world of dreams. The endgame? A night full of well-deserved, Blissful Sleep for everyone.

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Minimum Age: 5 months

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4 Consecutive Nights

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7:00 PM-7:00 AM

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Eliminate Overnight feeds

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eliminate overnight waking and use of sleep props

Starting At:


*Singleton Rate

Package 03

Virtual postpartum support

Swaddled Newborn Twin Baby Girls

Want postpartum support and knowledge but not keen on in-person, one-on-one assistance? No problem! We offer Virtual Postpartum Support too! You'll receive handy PDFs packed with details on Newborn Sleep, The "Fourth Trimester" and What to Expect, Tips on Soothing a Fussy Baby, Feeding Guidelines, and many more gems!

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For families with infants 0-12 weeks old

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Initial 1 hour call (phone or Zoom) for a personalized Q&A session

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A personalized schedule that is flexible and still tunes into your baby’s unique needs

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3 parent - initiated emails to ask about a specific challenge (to be used by 13 weeks old)

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Weekly Text Check-ins

Starting At:


Coming soon!

online course

Coming soon!

online course


Mastering Newborn Basics: Care and Sleep Fundamentals

Nurturing your newborn with confidence and ease

you will learn:


• Is my baby getting enough milk or formula?

• What’s the right feeding schedule?

• How do I recognize signs of hunger and ensure proper nutrition?


• How can I establish a sleep routine?

• What are the signs of tiredness in my newborn?

• What are safe sleeping practices for my baby?


• How many diapers should my newborn go through daily?

• What’s normal when it comes to stool and urine patterns?

• How do I prevent and treat diaper rash?

Comfort and Soothing:

• How can I comfort a fussy baby?

• What do different types of cries mean?

• What are effective soothing techniques like swaddling?

Developmental Milestones:

• When can I expect my baby to reach developmental milestones?

• What are some early milestones like the first smile and improved head control?

free guide

Kind words

Marsha was and still is my baby lifeline. As new parents we had no idea what to expect. Marsha swooped in the first night and made us feel calm, prepared and secure. She loved and still loves my baby so much, it is so special. Not only did she care for my baby and teach me everything I needed to know as a new parent she became a friend and part of our family during a chaotic unpredictable time. I cannot say enough about how much I would recommend Marsha. Once I am pregnant again she is top of the list to find out so that I can secure her care again!

Marsha was a godsend for our family! Before she arrived, our 7 month old was not napping or sleeping through the night. He was up every couple hours, still eating 6oz of formula, and got to the point where even rocking and holding him was NOT working. After just 2 nights of Marsha’s help, our little baby was sleeping through the night without waking AT ALL. That also means no more feedings either! She was so sweet and caring with our baby. She was also aware of our nerves about literally everything. We’re first time parents - and she was so patient and gentle with everything, every step of the way. She’s a literal magician. It’s been 2 weeks and I’m happy to say our baby is sleep 11 hours every night! If you do anything for yourself and your baby, hire Marsha!!!!!

I reached out to Marsha after a recommendation from another woman in my moms’ group. Hiring someone to stay overnight in your home and watch your newborn can be so stressful! But Marsha walked me through it and scheduled me with Lee. Lee instantly bonded with my son and showed incredible patience and understanding! By the 3rd night together, Aiden went to sleep in her arms, something he had only done with my husband, me or my mom before! It was such a relief! I would highly recommend Blissful Sleep Newborn Care to any new parents.

Get in touch with us!





Milford, MA

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